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September is National Preparedness Month

Published on 9/1/2021
September is National Preparedness Month


September is National Preparedness Month, and TLOD is committed to helping our members, chapters and communities across the country increase awareness around preparedness.  This year, while battling the hurricanes in the Texas and Louisiana areas, the continued COVID pandemic and California wildfires, all of us have had to respond in some form or fashion to protect ourselves and families. 

National Preparedness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. The 2021 theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”

We are encouraging each member to be “Lady Ready” and develop their plan. Please follow the weekly theme to be Lady Ready!

Weekly Themes

Each week in September, the campaign will focus on a different aspect of preparedness for individuals, families and communities.

Week 1 September 1-4: Make a Plan

Talk to your friends and family about how you will communicate before, during, and after a disaster. Make sure to update your plan based on the Centers for Disease Control recommendations due to the coronavirus.

Week 2 September 5-11: Build a Kit

Gather supplies that will last for several days after a disaster for everyone living in your home.  Don’t forget to consider the unique needs each person or pet may have in case you have to evacuate quickly. Update your kits and supplies based on recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control.

Week 3 September 12-18: Low-Cost, No-Cost Preparedness

Limit the impacts that disasters have on you and your family.  Know the risk of disasters in your area. Learn how to make your home stronger in the face of storms and other common hazards.  Check your insurance coverage to make sure it is up-to-date.

Week 4 September 19-25: Teach Youth about Preparedness

Talk to your Top Teens about preparing for emergencies and what to do in case you are separated. Reassure them by providing information about how they can get involved.